Meet our dedicated team of professionals who specialize in teaching essential Human Skills.
Team Simon
With an unrelenting optimism and infectious energy, she serves others by stepping into the worthwhile conversations that help people grow.
Brand & Business Coach to Difference-Makers
Brand & Business Coach to Difference-makers, Founder and Podcast Host
Retired US Army Colonel
Retired US Army Colonel, assistant professor of strategy, and executive communicator Chris Rogers has a passion for helping individuals and organizations achieve their purpose and potential.
Documentary Filmmaker
An Emmy® & BAFTA award-winning documentary maker, Deeyah employs a refreshing and fearless approach to listening—one that keeps others’ humanity front and center.
Leadership Coach
Denise R. Green is a former Corporate Leader and the founder of Brilliance Inc. She's coached thousands of leaders in the Silicon Valley/Bay Area and beyond...
Storytelling Expert
Don Yaeger has been called “one of America’s best storytellers” by many of today’s great business and thought leaders.
Communications Expert
Elisabeth has given Congressional briefings, spoken at the UN and two TEDx conferences, been featured by Forbes, NBC, SHRM, Goop, and Virgin’s 100% Human at Work.
Team Simon
Heath Slawner is a passionate speaker whose gift lies in connecting with people and their ideas.
Co-Founder of Reset
Hima Batavia is a multi-disciplinary artist and designer who crafts experiences and spaces that shape the culture of how we co-exist.
Team Simon
A curious autodidact, Jerry has spent the last decade plunging across the borders of art, culture, and business to evolve his understanding of the world—from theory to practice.
Joe Sanok is the author of Thursday is the New Friday: How to work fewer hours, make more money, and spend time doing what you want.
Team Simon
Joseph desires to empower those who are next, so that we can be equipped to transform ourselves and the world around us.
Dr. Justyna is passionate about using the science of wellbeing and personal effectiveness to improve our lives.
Author, Leadership Consultant
Kristen Hadeed believes that authentic, human leadership can change the world. At 19, with hardly any leadership experience, Kristen started a cleaning business called Student Maid.
Team Consultant
Lori Zukin, Ph.D., is founder and CEO of Zukin Leadership. As an executive, team coach, and consultant, Lori empowers her clients to do what they love, and love what they do.
Business Growth Coach
Mark E. Green is a business & leadership growth coach to CEOs and executive teams worldwide.
Team Simon
Everything Matt Dunsmoor does is designed to help leaders and organizations be more intentional with their choices.
Civic Entrepreneur
Inspired by land, storytelling, and gratitude, Omar finds joy in making good visible. He is a public speaker, civic leader, and an entrepreneur.
Retired Navy SEAL Commander
Rich is a bestselling author, leadership and human performance expert, and retired Navy SEAL Team Six commander. During his 20 years in the US Military, Rich completed 13+ deployments.
Happiness Consultant
Samantha Clarke is a happiness consultant and author of Love It or Leave It: How to be Happy at Work.
Team Simon
Stephen Shedletzky—or “Shed” to his friends—helps leaders listen and nurture the voice of others.
Science Communicator
Dr. Stuart Farrimond is a medical doctor turned science communicator, writer, presenter and food scientist.
Author and Master Coach
Tara-Nicholle Kirke is a globally-recognized author, transformation expert and Master Coach.
Leadership Researcher
Zach Mercurio, Ph.D. works with individuals and organizations around the world to forge purposeful leaders who cultivate more meaning, motivation, well-being, and performance.
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© The Optimism Company from Simon Sinek LLC